MOTU Snow Leopard Compatibility
According to MOTU, they have “worked closely with Apple to ensure a smooth transition for your MOTU products when you make the move to Snow Leopard.” In most cases, current versions of MOTU software have already been made forward-compatible with Snow Leopard – and, of course, that includes the forthcoming Digital Performer 7. MOTU promises that the now-available and soon-to-be-available software and driver updates include support for Mac OS X’s latest advances in multi-threading and multi-processor operation.
The software specifics:
All currently shipping versions of MOTU software products are compatible with Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard, except for Ethno Instrument (with a promise that it will be compatible soon). Here’s a complete list of the minimum versions required for Mac OS X v10.6.
MOTU reminds you to update your Pace extensions, if you own an iLok, before upgrading.
Hardware drivers:
Device drivers are now available for Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard for all MOTU FireWire/USB2 audio interfaces, FireWire video interfaces, PCI-424 audio interfaces, and USB MIDI interfaces. You need to be using one or more of the following driver updates:
FireWire/USB2 Audio 1.4.23
FireWire Video 1.1.2 (Final Cut Pro testing reveals no problems, but the software itself has not yet been approved)
PCI-424 Audio 1.2.2
USB MIDI 1.4.23
Update all Mac hardware and software updates here.
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